

Psychology | Personality Traits

This post is an exerpt of this book: Matthews, G. Personality traits. Cambridge University Press, 2003. History Allport and Odbert (1936) identified almost 18,000 English personality-relevan...

Literature | SDS Colloquium 12.26 - Richard Sutton

最后提问的问题是现在大模型这么popular,我们做RL的researcher现在应该做什么,现在什么方向是比较好的,然后上面是Sutton的回答 So maybe, you see what else are doing, and deliberately try to do something different, Or, maybe you are thinking, ever...

Psychology | Impulsivity

这学期参加了8次seminar,这是比较感兴趣的一个 Huang, Yuqi, et al. “Impulsivity is a stable, measurable, and predictive psychological trait.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121.24 (2024): e2321758...

Literature | PhD Program Academic Year 2024-2025 Term 1

第一学期就这么结束了…随便记录一下经历了什么 去年12月左右开始就一直在做项目A,结果一直没搞出来,在6月的时候开始换另一个项目B,实验比较简单(太简单了导致有问题)所以打算赶10.1的ICLR,错过了两次ICLR这次终于有希望赶上了… 回想起来可能已经快半年没更新博客了,5月还是6月确认入学的时候感觉终于有着落了,干劲很足,思路和心态都很开,干到8月底开始焦虑,实验其实自己并不是很满意...

Psychology | Id, Ego, and Superego

Intro Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, introduced several influential concepts that have permeated various fields such as psychology, literature, and cultural studies. Among these are ...

Psychology | Five Stages of Grief

Adapted from the answer generated by ChatGPT-4. The five stages of grief, commonly known as the Kübler-Ross model, were first proposed by Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book...

Literature | Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

赏析 气味 气味在电影中无法直接表现出来,必须通过熟悉的带气味的画面、场景声音、背景音乐 等等间接手段来表现。在我看来,气味意味着人们心中的某种纯真又直接的欲望,这种欲望无关乎其他所有价值,并且也同气味一样无法直接通过影视手段传达 卖李子的少女 17:45 推镜头表现气味涌入;接着拍少女局部特写,主角追上去之后再拍背影且音乐顿强;主角闭眼深呼吸,紧接着伴随推镜头加几段往前推的叠化镜头...

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Literature | Poets Collection

Walt Whitman O Me! O Life! Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring, Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill’d with the foolish, Of myself forever reproaching myself, (f...

Psychology | Logotherapy

You gotta find some illusions to make yourself feel good. Things that are not illusions are boring. In a Nutshell Find a perspective to define the meaning of your life that can convince yourself...

Literature | The "Meaning" of Life?

从智能体研究的角度思考,我主张每个人也都应该从自己的(Solipsistic)角度出发去思考价值,所有价值建立的推导也都应回到自身,不然得出的意义是空洞的,从其他角度的任何劝说都是无力的。 讨论“意义是什么”我认为是在说梦话,许多人拿到一个抽象的命题就开始作诗和提自己自身非理性的感悟了,事实上这个问题理应严肃对待。提到意义其实本身隐含的前提是:意义的存在依赖于一个优化目标,有了这么个目标你...

Psychology | Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

Introduction Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps you identify self-defeating thoughts and feelings, challenge the nature of irrational and unproductive feeli...

Literature | Batman

Batman: The world only makes sense if you force it to. — Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. 蝙蝠侠的悲剧内核在于,他必须接受自己无法改变的命运,接受自己当时的无能。 父母在他面前被枪杀,自己却什么也做不了。无论他以后变得多强,不管他帮助了多少人避免遇到相同的事情,已发生的事再也无法挽回了。 一...

Psychology | Personality Miscs

Foreword One may choose to disregard their own labels (and bear the consequences, good or bad, of doing so), believing that the labeling system is flawed. However, they cannot claim to be without ...

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