
Tools of Visual Studio Code

This note will be consistently updated.


Command + k Command + s: Keyboard Shortcuts


  • Command + P: Go to file
  • Command + Shift + O: Go to symbol in editor
  • Command + T: Go to symbol in workspace
  • Control + G: Go to line
  • (Click the navigator): Outline (on the top of the main panel)
  • F12: Go to definition
  • Shift + F12: Go to references
  • Control + -: Go back
  • Control + Shift + -: Go forward
  • Control + W: Switch window

Open and Close

  • Command + Shift + N: New window
  • Command + O: Open
  • Command + ,: Settings
  • Command + K W: Close all tabs.
  • Command + K U: Close all saved tabs.


  • Control + `: Terminal
  • Control + 1: Show file explorer (my customed shortcut)
  • Control + 2: Toggle the left side bar (my customed shortcut)
  • Control + 3: Toggle the right side bar (my customed shortcut)
  • Control + 4: Show outline-map (my customed shortcut)
  • Command + \: Split the editor


  • Command + Shift + k: Delete the current line.
  • Control + G: Go to line
  • Command + L: Highlight the current line.
  • Option + (up/down): Move the current line up/down.
  • Option + Shift + (up/down): Duplicate the current line.
  • Command + X without highlighting: Cut the current line.
  • Command + Enter: Insert a line below (no need to move the cursor to the end)
  • Command + Shift + Enter: Insert a line above


  • (Select Liens) Option + Shift + I: Add cursors at the end of each lines
  • Option + (Click): Multiple cursors
  • (Highlight) Command + Shift + L: Select all matches
  • (Highlight) Command + D: Add the next selection to maches


  • Command + Shift + V: Markdown preview
  • Command + K V: Open preview to the side


  • Command + Shift + F: Search in workspace
  • Command + Shift + P: Input command
  • F2: Rename symbol
  • Option + Shift + F: Auto format current file

Remote Connection

Remote - SSH

这玩意可以直接用vs code打开服务器上的文件夹。

Remote - SSH 扩展使得开发者可以直接通过 SSH 协议连接到远程服务器。这意味着您可以在本地的 VS Code 中编辑远程服务器上的文件,运行代码,甚至调试程序。这对于那些需要处理大量数据、运行大型应用或者需要特定服务器环境的开发者特别有用。您只需在本地计算机上安装 VS Code 和必要的扩展,服务器端则无需安装 VS Code。

  1. 打开远程窗口:点击 VS Code 左下角的绿色按钮(远程窗口指示器),或按 Ctrl+Shift+P 打开命令面板,然后输入Remote-SSH: Add new ssh Host
  2. 添加 SSH 主机:输入您的 SSH 连接命令,比如 ssh username@hostname。如果之前已添加过,可以直接从列表中选择。
  3. 选择配置文件:如果是首次添加,系统会询问您保存配置的位置,通常保存在用户目录的 .ssh/config 文件中。如果我想用我的电脑连接远程服务器,我应该选择的是本机的ssh configuration file.
  4. 连接和输入凭据:选择您的 SSH 主机后,VS Code 会尝试建立连接。根据配置,您可能需要输入密码或使用 SSH 密钥认证。
  5. 打开项目:连接成功后,您可以通过 “File -> Open Folder” 打开远程服务器上的项目文件夹。


“SFTP” 是 Visual Studio Code (VS Code) 的一个流行插件,它允许用户通过 SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) 或 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 来上传、下载和同步文件。这个插件特别适合在本地和远程服务器之间同步文件,对于需要频繁更新服务器上文件的开发者来说非常有用。

  • 下载和上传,文件同步
  • 下载下来改,改完上传,然后在远程运行


  1. In VS Code, open a local directory you wish to sync to the remote server (or create an empty directory that you wish to first download the contents of a remote server folder in order to edit locally).
  2. Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac open command palette, run SFTP: config command.
  3. A basic configuration file will appear named sftp.json under the .vscode directory, open and edit the configuration parameters with your remote server information.

For instance:


“name”: “Profile Name”, “host”: “name_of_remote_host”, “protocol”: “ftp”, “port”: 21, “secure”: true, “username”: “username”, “remotePath”: “/public_html/project”, “password”: “password”, “uploadOnSave”: false


The password parameter in `sftp.json` is optional, if left out you will be prompted for a password on sync.
_Note:_ backslashes and other special characters must be escaped with a backslash.

4. Save and close the `sftp.json` file.
5. `Ctrl+Shift+P` on Windows/Linux or `Cmd+Shift+P` on Mac open command palette.
6. Type `sftp` and you'll now see a number of other commands. You can also access many of the commands from the project's file explorer context menus.
7. A good one to start with if you want to sync with a remote folder is `SFTP: Download Project`.  This will download the directory shown in the `remotePath` setting in `sftp.json` to your local open directory.
8. Done - you can now edit locally and after each save it will upload to sync your remote file with the local copy.
9. Enjoy!

For detailed explanations please go to [wiki](


Dendron Paste Image

Command + Option + V: put the copied image in a new created file (named the same as the current file) and paste it here.

Markdown All in One

Run command “Create Table of Contents”: Create Table of Contents.

"markdown.extension.list.indentationSize": "inherit"

Outline Map

You can find it in the sidebar.


You can find it in the sidebar.


You can find it in the sidebar.

Local History

You can find it in the file explorer.


Skin. MacOS => Code > Preferences > File Icon Theme > VSCode Icons.

Rainbow Brackets

Passive skill.

Error Lens

Passive skill.

Better Align

Choose texts and Option + A

Path Intellisense

Passive skill.


Passive skill.

Code Spell Checker

Passive skill.


Passive skill.

One Dark Pro


Power Mode

Skin. Passive skill. Show some special effects while you type.

Black Formatter

Auto formatting for python files. Active skill. Using the context menu (right click on a open Python file in the editor) and select “Format Document With…”

Live Share

Live share.


Subtly change the workspace color of your workspace.

[Official Guide]

  1. Command + Shift + P
  2. >Peacock: Change to a Favorite Color
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